Spindle Drive Repair

Spindle Drive Repair

Industrial spindle drives are very specific, sensitive pieces of equipment that need an expert standard of care. These drives are essential to a spindle motor’s proper operation, making it important for a company to ensure they work at their best ability. By understanding some of the top challenges spindle drives face, you can get the best performance out of them and take the appropriate action when an issue occurs.

Find out more about what spindle drives are, some of the main problems you’ll have to account for and how Global Electronic Services can provide you with the best industrial spindle repair services available today.

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What Are Spindle Drives?

Spindle drives are components designed to convert a motor’s generated power into feed force and feed velocity. By converting this force into feed velocity and feed force, they make it possible for a spindle or axis motor’s to have a rotary motion.

Like their name suggests, spindle drives play a role in the proper operation of spindle motors. These motors refer to motors crafted to rotate at fast speeds, with many of them used in CNC milling machines. Spindle drives help these motors by converting their energy into feed velocity and feed force.

Common Challenges Spindle Drives Face

Common Challenges Spindle Drives Face

Since spindle drives are a crucial component of spindle motors, you’ll want to know some of the main repairs they require. For example, loose motor connections, damaged resistors and failing Wye/Delta connectors often need to be repaired. Review some of themain challenges spindle drives faceand potential solutions below:

1. Loose Motor Connections

One of the main challenges spindle drives face is when they have loose connections to the motor. If you can find loose connections at the Wye or Delta Connectors or the drive’s T1 T2 T3 GND, your motor will develop an overcurrent. When your motor doesn’t have the right electric current, it’ll lose torque and its motor control’s stability. Often, a megaohm test can help a technician see if you have any loose connections.

2. Wrong Parameter Settings

If you have a Wye/Delta-wired machine with spindle drives, you may run into problems due to having the wrong parameter settings. If your parameter settings are set at too low of a torque, your Wye/Delta contactors might not get into place before spindle activation. By setting the machine to a higher torque, you’ll create a delay between the spindle activation and the connectors flipping, resulting in a lower chance of contactor arcing.

3. Failing Wye/Delta Contactors

Companies that use machines with Wye/Delta contactors must keep an eye on them to ensure they aren’t pitted or aged. Whenever contactors start to age or become pitted, they’ll begin corroding and will require replacement. Usually, as a spindle gets older, the contactors are the first parts to corrode and require replacement.

4. Damaged Resistors

If the resistor’s connectors are loose, open or improperly connected, they can cause high DC errors while the spindle drive is in its deceleration phase. Check what’s wrong by inspecting the resistor’s ohm value. When the value is open or zero, you’ll have an issue with your connection, requiring you to repair or replace them.

5. Poor Drive Input Power Connections

When a spindle drive’s connections aren’t securely connected to the L1 L2 L3 GND, you’ll likely have low DC issues and phase loss problems. These issues can then cause the motor to not reach its maximum rotations per minute. Usually, a technician can repair this issue and ensure the drive input power connections are as secure as possible.

Why Choose Global Electronic Services for Industrial Spindle Drive Repair Services?

If you want your spindle drive repair in the hands of experts, you’ve come to the right place. At Global Electronic Services, our factory-trained and certified technicians know most major brands of spindle drives and have seen just about every problem your spindle drive can have. Our staff’s level of expertise combined with our proven step-by-step assessment, refurbishment, repair and testing system means you can be sure you’re going to get your spindle drive back working in top condition.

Since we replace any parts likely to fail and fully repair any broken components, we ensure your drive lasts a long time. Due to our confidence in our spindle repair and replacement services, we’re happy to cover your spindle drive with our 18-Month In-Service Warranty. You really have nothing to lose.

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You’ll Appreciate Working With Us for Your Spindle Drive Repair

Customer service and satisfaction are top priorities for us. As a result, you’ll also receive fast and attentive service at a great price. We can’t emphasize our efficiency enough. We complete our standard repair in five days or less, so you don’t have to worry about weeks of downtime without your spindle drives. We can even put a rush on your order and get it done in a day or two if you absolutely need it back and running right away.

While you’re waiting for your repair, enjoy online status updates or check in with us anytime to see how it’s going. We have our customer support line open 24 hours a day, seven days a week to serve your needs, and there’s always a knowledgeable staff member on the other side of the line.

We’re Ready to Service Your Spindle Drives Today

与所有的优势与全球合作Electronic Services, you won’t want to go anywhere else for your spindle drive repair needs. Alongside our exceptional repairs and customer service, we offer a Global Price Guarantee, meaning we’ll beat any competitor’s price on your repair by ten percent, so you don’t have to worry about finding the best price. Just send us your spindle drives so we can fix them and get you back in action.

Contact us onlinefor a free quote, or, if you prefer, you can give us a call at 877-249-1701. Your spindle drives are waiting for their quality repair, so get in touch today!

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